Islam is against racism and bigotry

By Abu Amina Elias In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Islam is against all forms of racism and bigotry. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another, or one color of skin is superior to another, or the people of one country are superior to another. Such beliefs areContinue reading “Islam is against racism and bigotry”

Race, discrimination and bigotry in Islam

In today’s world, racism has integrated itself into the core fabric of social structures that govern our modern day societies. Do you know the place of racism in Islam? Knowledge In today’s world, racism has integrated itself into the core fabric of social structures that govern our modern day societies. It has manifested into oneContinue reading “Race, discrimination and bigotry in Islam”

The Truth Is Revealed: Here’s What Causes Cancer and How to Protect Or Help Yourself In The Fight Against Cancer

Are you familiar with this incredible information? The main cause of cancer was officially discovered before 1923, and the person who made this discovery won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931. Very few people in the world know about it, but unfortunately, the truth is hidden from the public. In 1931, the German scientistContinue reading “The Truth Is Revealed: Here’s What Causes Cancer and How to Protect Or Help Yourself In The Fight Against Cancer”

Advice for the Muslim

Brief passages from the reputed books of ahl as-sunnat scholars are quoted for refuting corrupt Wahhabi and la-madhhabiyya beliefs. Translated, for the most part, from Ayyûb Sabri Pasha’s Turkish work Mir’ât al-Haramain; 5 volumes, Matba’a-i Bahriye, Istanbul, 1301-1306 A.H. Download:Here PART ONE: THE BELIEFS OF THE WAHHÂBÎS AND THEIR REFUTATION BY THE SCHOLARS OF AHL ASSUNNAContinue reading “Advice for the Muslim”