When the West wanted Islam to curb Christian extremism

By Ishaan Tharoor Russian and Ottoman forces battle in 1788 over a port on the Black Sea. (Wikimedia Commons) The tiresome debate over whether Islam is somehow more violent than other religions unfortunately won’t go away. Recent spats between outspoken commentator Reza Aslan, TV host Bill Maher and neuroscientist Sam Harris — who said on Maher’sContinue reading “When the West wanted Islam to curb Christian extremism”

Islam Saved Women When The Whole World Used Them As Sex Objects

Contrary to popular belief, Islam has never been a religion that has ‘suppressed’ women and their rights; research and books prove that when the world was against women’s rights, Islam intervened and helped women in their societal status. When the ancient civilizations only saw women as sexual objects, the religion of peace gave opportunities of equalityContinue reading “Islam Saved Women When The Whole World Used Them As Sex Objects”

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq Seumas Milne – Seumas Milne

Illustration by Eva Bee The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been armingContinue reading “Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq Seumas Milne – Seumas Milne”

WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!

  Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton. Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic StateContinue reading “WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!”

If history has taught us anything

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim “Among the believers are Men, who delivered their promise to Allah” (Ayah 23/Surat Al-Ahzab) If history has taught us anything, it has certainly delivered a message with unequivocal resonance; Haqq and freedom are not something that is given. Haqq and Freedom are things people take, and people are as free and onContinue reading “If history has taught us anything”

Syria Says It Has Recorded Audio Proof US Coordinating Militarily with ISIS

(ZHE) In a stunning allegation, one which would lead to dramatic geopolitical implications, the speaker of the People’s Council of Syria said on Monday that the Syrian intelligence possesses an audio recording of conversation between Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists and the US military taken just prior to the Washington-led coalition’s airstrikes on the government troops near DeirContinue reading “Syria Says It Has Recorded Audio Proof US Coordinating Militarily with ISIS”

Interesting 9/11 Series by Corbett Report – 9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Interesting 9/11 Series by Corbett Report – 9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s64SJD9JkQ0 Even though outside of our Mission scope, Corbett Report’s detailed work toward a larger picture of events is invaluable to those wishing to dig deeper 15 years on, especially this time of year. TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES:Continue reading “Interesting 9/11 Series by Corbett Report – 9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman”