Essentials of Quranic Arabic (2 vol set)

This two-volume series is a guide for those who want to understand the language of the Qur’an, and yearn to listen to it with comprehension. The methodology of this book is different from others in that conversational Arabic and non-Qur’anic vocabulary are not focused on. Instead, there is a keen emphasis on mastering the key grammar principles of the Qur’an alongside “high-yield” Qur’anic vocabulary.

The second volume is a continuation of study from the first volume. It focuses on several advanced and intermediate Arabic grammar important in a higher level of Qur’inic study. This includes topics in Morphology, Irregular Verbs, and other topics found in Intermediate Arabic Grammar study. Similar to the first volume, numerous examples from the Qur’an have been given so that our focus is maintained. “Review Questions” are included in the back of this book on the chapters that have been detailed. The last three chapters are focused on more advanced discussions relative to Qur’anic Arabic such as Eloquence (Balagha) and the Inimitability of the Qur’an (I’jaz al-Qur’an).  It is hoped that this Series on Qur’anic Arabic Grammar will allow one to understand and experience the Lofty and Majestic Words of Allah (swt).



Download link – Volume 1

Downlod link –  Volume 2

source: darultahqiq

Published by Emin

follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allâh. How to erase sins… [Quran 38:26] “You are Al-Thaahir so there is nothing above You. And You are Al-Baatin, so there is nothing below You.” If there is nothing above Him and nothing below Him, then He is not a body or in a direction, and He does not have physical specification.” (Al-Asmaa’ wa Sifaat 2/391). THE HOLY PROPHET (SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) SAID: "ALLAH WILL NEVER ALLOW MY UMMAH TO UNITE UPON MISGUIDANCE AND INCORRECT BELIEFS. ALLAH'S MERCY, BLESSINGS AND PROTECTION ARE WITH THE LARGEST GROUP OF MUSLIMS. AND HE WHO DEVIATES FROM THIS LARGEST GROUP OF MUSLIMS WILL BE THROWN INTO HELL."[TIRMIDHI] Abu Bakr (Radhia Allahu Anhu) was asked to give a commentary about a Verse in Surah Abasa, he said what if I can not give it the true meaning that Allah intended, then which earth will accept me, which heavens will shadow me, where can I go, and what can I do? If those who do not possess knowledge avoid the scholarly discussions, disagreement will end. - Imam al-Ghazali rahimahu Llah "When they see me happy, it Hurts them! Today people are not sad over their issues. They are sad over the hapiness of others" Imam Shafi